We love fighting words from video game industry execs as much as the next journalist putting his kids’ braces through college or whatever off them and the more oblivious the better. And while this isn’t the most out-there interview we’ve seen, we swear we were expecting Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton to start yelling about tightening the graphics on level three any minute.
Our view of the ‘Game Boy experience’ is that it’s a great babysitting tool, something young kids do on airplanes, but no self-respecting 20-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with one of those. He’s too old for that.” First off, he calls the DS the Gameboy Experience, which we guess is supposed to be derogatory. Second, young people are apparently too old for a console being advertised by Patrick Stewart. We think it’s safe to say if you’re too old for the DS, you’ve been dead for the last two decades.