For all those eagerly awaiting the release of the Apple iPhone 5 and iOS 5, the latest rumours surfacing indicate that both may now be released in the fall, rather than in summer, as we have previously seen with Apple releases.
A report by TechCrunch, which comes to us by way of MacRumors, appears to imply that the introduction of Siri (a personal assistant software company) to Apple in April 2010 could now result in voice control and artificial intelligence for iOS 5, thus changing the way we use iOS devices in the future.
It is rumoured the Siri are close to finishing the final elements of their artificial intelligence and assistance technology and that these will be demonstrated at the (WWDC) Worldwide Developer Conference. It is also rumoured that this technology may be used in third party apps by other developers – However, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that this will happen.
There is also an indication in the report that the release of the iPhone 5 in the fall, will give Apple time to introduce LTE 4G to the device and therefore, the reasoning behind why the release date may not happen in summer. There is a strong possibility that if the iPhone 5 is released in summer it will not come with LTE, but if released in the fall there is a 50/50 chance of LTE being present and a definite possibility of it, if the phone is release in the New Year.
There is also rumours and speculation that the iPhone 5 may be unveiled at the WWDC, see our article here. If you are interested in attending the WWDC to see for yourself if the iPhone 5 is unveiled or not, but are not one of the fortunate people to have a ticket. Then you may be interested in putting a bid in for the ticket being being sold on eBay, see article here. You will need to be quick though and have very deep pockets.